Kuki-Zo community in Manipur rallies for separate union territory amid ongoing crisis

ITLF flier. (Photo: ITLF) In a significant development amidst the prolonged crisis in Manipur, the Indigenous Tribal Leaders’ Forum (ITLF) has announced a rally to press for their political demands. The announcement, made through a press release on 20 June 2024 comes as the state continues to grapple with ethnic tensions and violence that have … Read more

Opposition in India rallies to 'save democracy' ahead of elections

(Photo: Unsplash) Thousands packed the historic Ramlila Maidan (ground) in Delhi on Sunday, 31 March 2024, as an alliance of opposition parties in India held a massive rally to voice their concerns over the alleged stifling of dissent and undermining of democratic institutions by Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government ahead of next month’s general elections. … Read more

'Gas the Jews': Anti-Israel rallies break out following Hamas attack

International Bible Way Church of Jesus Christ, a South Carolina-based Christian denomination that claims some 600 churches globally, has suspended Bishop Robert Carter, the leader of their Gulf Coast Diocese who was charged with raping a family member at least 600 times beginning when she was 7. Source link