Family torn apart: sad story of religious violence in Pakistan

Lahore, Pakistan. (Photo: Unsplash/Adeel Shabir) Allah Rakhi Bibi, the 72-year-old widow of Nazir Masih, died in Sargodha, Pakistan. On 21 June 2024. Her death came just weeks after her husband, Nazir Masih, who was killed by an angry mob. This sad story shows how religious violence can destroy families and communities. Allah Rakhi Bibi was … Read more

The story of the women of Pentecost

(Photo: Unsplash/Edwin Andrade) Women played an important role at the original Pentecost, which St Peter felt obliged to explain to the crowds. This is the story … Joel’s prophecy At Pentecost St Peter quoted the prophet Joel. The traditional Authorized (KJV) renders it as: “And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour … Read more

Heroic Bedouin Family Shares Their Own Suffering from October 7th, Miracle Rescue Story

TEL AVIV, Israel – On October 7th last year, Hamas took scores of hostages, including Israeli Jews, Israeli Arabs and foreign workers. Among them, members of one heroic family also suffered that tragic day. Bashir Alzayadni, a Bedouin Arab and a law student, saw his life turned upside down by the events last fall. “I’m the … Read more

Headlines Tell Story of Growing Gulf between US, Israel over Hamas War, Palestinian State

JERUSALEM, Israel – Anyone interested in gauging the growing gulf between Washington and Jerusalem concerning Israel’s wartime struggle need only check out a few headlines in Sunday’s edition of The Jerusalem Post. The banner headline on page one above the fold, referring to a ceasefire and hostage exchange deal with Hamas, reads, “PM (Benjamin Netanyahu): ‘Delusional Demands Make … Read more

The story of the Christmas tree

(Photo: Rodion Kutsaiev/Unsplash) The Christmas tree is not in the Bible but is rooted in Christian symbolism. This is the story… Trees in the Bible While the Christmas tree is not mentioned in the Bible, other trees hold great significance in key parts of the Bible. Many types of trees are mentioned in Scripture particularly … Read more

Fifty Years after Yom Kippur War, an Unlikely Hero Tells His Remarkable Battle Story

TEL SAKI, Golan Heights, Israel – Fifty years ago, on October 6, the holiest day on the Jewish calendar, Arab armies launched a surprise attack against Israel.  It was a painful war with heavy casualties, but Israel eventually triumphed, thanks to many heroes who triumphed against long odds. On the eve of Yom Kippur in … Read more