Rahul Gandhi takes helm as leader of opposition in parliament

Rahul Gandhi appointed as the Leader of the Opposition in the Lok Sabha. (Photo: YouTube Screenshot/Firstpost) Rahul Gandhi of the Congress party has been appointed Leader of the Opposition in the Lok Sabha, the lower house of India’s parliament. What makes this significant is the fact that this marks the first time in a decade … Read more

Hamas War Takes Another Casualty – Israeli Tourism

JERUSALEM – In addition to the heartbreaking toll in human lives and families torn apart, the ongoing war in Gaza is crippling Israel’s once-thriving tourism industry. Many local businesses are struggling to weather this strained economy. The streets of Jerusalem’s old city would normally be bustling with tourists, but now lie eerily quiet. The number … Read more

Hamas War Takes Another Casualty – Israeli Tourism: 'It's Time to Forgive Each Other'

JERUSALEM – In addition to the heartbreaking toll in human lives and families torn apart, the ongoing war in Gaza is crippling Israel’s once-thriving tourism industry. Many local businesses are struggling to weather this strained economy. The streets of Jerusalem’s old city would normally be bustling with tourists, but now lie eerily quiet. The number … Read more

Raising young people in faith takes more than parents, study finds

(Photo: Unsplash/Priscilla Du Preez) A new study from the University of Georgia (UGA) has underlined the important role that engaged congregations and strong faith communities play in helping with the spiritual development of children. However, it has also shown that the sense of belonging these foster could play a vital role in helping determine whether … Read more

Free Church takes concerns about contentious issues to Scottish government

(Photo: Unsplash/Maxwell Andrews) The Free Church of Scotland is set to have more opportunities to be part of the conversation on contentious issues affecting faith and society in Scotland after being invited to become a member of the Scottish Government Faith and Belief Representatives Group. Members of the group are able to meet with the … Read more