Tens of Thousands Attend Jerusalem Annual Passover Priestly Blessing, Focus on Hostages, Families

JERUSALEM, Israel – Despite war and rumors of war, tens of thousands of Jewish people came to the Western Wall during the intermediary days of Passover to pray and receive an annual blessing. Unsurprisingly, this year’s focus was the hostages and their families. More than 30,000 people came to take part in the Birkat Hacohenim, which … Read more

Ex-Terrorist Confirms Mass Visions of Jesus in Gaza, Says Thousands of Muslims Will Come to Christ

A former Palestinian sniper turned Christian believes revival will break out in Gaza and thousands will come to Christ after the end of the Israel-Hamas war. Taysir “Tass” Abu Saada, a former aide to the late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, recently told CBN News’ Global Lane that God’s Holy Spirit is already changing Palestinian hearts … Read more

Thousands of Israelis Rally at Western Wall for ‘Prayer Warfare,’ Plead With God to Free Hostages

Thousands of Israelis flocked on Wednesday to the Western Wall in the Old City of Jerusalem — a spiritually significant site for Jewish people — to “cry out, plead, and invoke heavenly mercy upon all of Israel,” particularly for those still held hostage by Hamas in Gaza. More than 50,000 people thronged the alleyways of the prayer … Read more

Ex-Terrorist Turned Christian Predicts Thousands in Gaza Will Come to Faith in Jesus

Tass Saada (Courtesy: Joel Rosenberg on TBN/YouTube screenshot) A one-time terrorist who turned to faith in Jesus in the 1990s is predicting thousands of Gazans will become Christians as the war between Hamas and Israel rages on. The 73-year-old Taysir “Tass” Abu Saada, a former member of the Fatah terrorist group, recently told Joel Rosenberg, … Read more

Iran Smuggles Thousands of Weapons into West Bank, Threatening Israel on Another Front

JERUSALEM – For the last two years, Iran has been smuggling thousands of weapons into the West Bank using a complex network of routes stretching across four countries. With Israel’s ground invasion in full swing, intelligence officials are worried that terror groups operating inside Israel could open a new front in the war.  Sima Shine, … Read more

Series of consecutive earthquakes leave thousands homeless and in dire need in Afghanistan

(Photo: Unsplash) Afghanistan has experienced four earthquakes since the first week of October, with the most recent occurring on October 15. It was the third earthquake in a week to hit communities in Herat Province, and it was of 6.3 magnitude in the regions northeast of Herat City.  Two people were killed and over 150 … Read more

Thousands mourn passing of Telesphore P. Toppo, Asia’s first tribal cardinal and a  trailblazing leader

(Photo: YouTube Screenshot/Ranchi Archdiocese) In a moving ceremony infused with reverence and solemnity, Asia’s first tribal cardinal, Telesphore P. Toppo, was laid to rest with full state honour at the revered St Mary’s Cathedral on October 11. The 113-year-old cathedral in Ranchi, the capital of Jharkhand, served as the backdrop for a farewell that resonated … Read more

From Civilian Life to War: Hundreds of Thousands of Israeli Reservists Answer Call to Fight

Israel’s response to the Hamas terrorist attacks has resulted in the largest military call-up in the country’s history. With more than 360,000 reservists mobilized, it amounts to four percent of Israel’s population Reservists have shown no hesitation, whether at home or abroad. Within the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), it’s known as “the shift,” going from … Read more

Israeli Jewish Residents Appreciate Thousands of Christians Who Paraded in Jerusalem March

Israelis came out in the thousands to cheer on international Christian groups who showed up in their thousands to take part in the Jerusalem March.   It was one of several ways these Christians showed their support for Israel and its people during the Feast of Tabernacles holy days. Udi Dvorkin, a rabbi at a Jerusalem … Read more

Thousands March for Life through London

(Photo: March for Life UK) Thousands of people marched through London in support of the unborn at the weekend.  Police estimates put the number of participants in this year’s March for Life UK at 7,000.  They marched to Parliament Square on Saturday under the banner of ‘Freedom to Live’ despite being heckled by pro-abortion activists … Read more