High Court Draft Ruling Animates Netanyahu's Opponents at Critical Time in War

JERUSALEM, Israel – Out of the blue late on Tuesday morning, the news came across the cellphone: Israel’s High Court had ruled unanimously that Haredi (ultra-Orthodox) Jewish Yeshiva students could no longer be exempt from the military draft. Presumably, the drafting of the Haredim could begin almost immediately. Within a few hours, the narrative among big … Read more

Nick Vujicic Visits, Inspires Israel's Wounded Soldiers 'For Such a Time as This'

JERUSALEM, Israel – Nearly 4,000 Israeli soldiers have been wounded since October 7th, many with life-changing injuries. Recently, a special guest encouraged them not to let those changes ruin their lives. Nick Vujicic, an international Christian speaker who was born with no arms or legs, visited Sheba Medical Center near Tel Aviv this month. It’s where … Read more

Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast 2024: 'Never Been a More Important Time to Pray'

JERUSALEM, Israel – Political and spiritual leaders from every continent are preparing to gather in Jerusalem at the end of this month for what organizers believe is one of the most important prayer events they’ve ever held. This gathering will be the first Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast since the Hamas atrocities last October. CBN News spoke with one of the … Read more

Hamas War Takes Another Casualty – Israeli Tourism: 'It's Time to Forgive Each Other'

JERUSALEM – In addition to the heartbreaking toll in human lives and families torn apart, the ongoing war in Gaza is crippling Israel’s once-thriving tourism industry. Many local businesses are struggling to weather this strained economy. The streets of Jerusalem’s old city would normally be bustling with tourists, but now lie eerily quiet. The number … Read more

As Spring Holidays Approach, Christians, Jews Face Challenges of Easter, Passover Celebrations During Time of War

JERUSALEM, Israel – For Christians during this Holy Week, and later for Jews in Israel at Passover, the holiday season poses a challenge in celebrating the faith during wartime. Events such as last October’s massacre near Gaza and the refusal to release the Israeli hostages can cause doubt about a loving God. Yet, some insist that … Read more

Gantz: Time 'Running Out' for Diplomatic Solution to Attacks on Israel's Northern Border

JERUSALEM, Israel – Time is running out for a diplomatic solution along Israel’s northern border, as Hezbollah ramps up its attacks and Israel finds itself surrounded by enemies. Hezbollah pummeled northern Israel Wednesday in one of the largest single-day strikes since the current round of daily attacks began. The strikes caused significant damage, but no casualties. … Read more