Hamas Seeks 4-Day Ceasefire Extension as Hostages Tell of Brutal Treatment in Captivity

JERUSALEM. Israel – The exchange of hostages held by Hamas for Palestinian prisoners in Israel continues as a four-day ceasefire in Gaza now stretches into six days. Hamas freed 12 more hostages, while Israel let 30 more Palestinian prisoners go free on the fifth day of the ceasefire. It is due to end on Wednesday, its sixth day, … Read more

Family of Christian teen who died after being refused treatment says they continue to be gagged

Sudiksha Thirumalesh. (Photo: Christian Concern) A family struggles with a legal muzzle even after the death of their daughter, whose identity and case details were suppressed for over a year. Court orders have now partially lifted the veil but maintain restrictions. A judge last week identified the University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust as the … Read more

Concerns for treatment of believers in Holy Land

(Photo: Unsplash/Robert Bye) Researchers from Open Doors International, a global NGO network which has provided support to persecuted Christians for over six decades, are monitoring growing religious tensions in Israel after leaders of several Christian denominations expressed concern over the growing number of verbal and physical attacks against Christians as well as the desecration of … Read more