Warnings of persecution in Hong Kong on Tiananmen anniversary

(Photo: Unsplash/Alejandro Luengo) The persecution of Christians in mainland China is spreading to Hong Kong, Release International has warned on the 35th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre. The massacre in Beijing’s Tiananmen Square on 4 June 1989 brought a brutal end to pro-democracy protests and marked an increase in the persecution of Christians. Release … Read more

US Says Hamas Blocking Ceasefire Deal as Warnings Issued over Ramadan Violence, Hezbollah

JERUSALEM, Israel – Hamas appears to be the only party blocking a ceasefire deal in Gaza that could lead to the release of more hostages held by the terror group, and with the Muslim month of Ramadan fast approaching, many world leaders are worried about violence erupting in Jerusalem. As the war in Gaza goes on … Read more

Warnings of another Christian exodus from Iraq

A priest standing outside a church in northern Iraq. (Photo: Open Doors) Christians are leaving Iraq in their droves because they cannot see any future in the country after years of political instability and persecution.  Cardinal Louis Sako said in a statement on the website of the Chaldean Church in Iraq that a fresh exodus … Read more