Hezbollah Launches Record Missile Volley at Israel After Commander's Killing, Hamas Kills Ceasefire Plan

JERUSALEM, Israel – Northern Israel came under its worst Hezbollah attack since the start of the Gaza war Wednesday as Hamas made outlandish counter-proposals to the latest ceasefire deal proposed by the U.S., in effect rejecting it. While Israelis celebrated the biblical holiday of Shavuot, Hezbollah launched more than 200 rockets at communities in northern Israel – … Read more

Hamas Appears to Reject US Gaza Ceasefire Plan as World Learns More about Sinwar's 'Dead Civilians' Strategy

JERUSALEM, Israel – Hamas appears to have rejected the latest U.S.-backed proposal to end the Gaza war and release the hostages. In the process, the world is also discovering more about the evil strategies of Hamas’s top leader in Gaza, Yahya Sinwar. While the fighting continues in the Gaza Strip, Hamas reportedly turned down President Joe Biden’s … Read more

Netanyahu: Hamas 'Extreme Demands' Holding up Hostage Release; No IDF Pullout, No Permanent Ceasefire

JERUSALEM, Israel – Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu took a shot Sunday at what he believes are inaccurate media reports and blamed Hamas for holding up good-faith negotiations for the hostages held in Gaza by demanding that Israel agree to a permanent ceasefire rather than a truce.  After the weekly cabinet meeting, the prime minister said his government has … Read more

Middle East Analyst: Biden Ceasefire Demand Fuels Pain, Isolation, Anger in Israel

JERUSALEM, Israel – As someone who travels regularly between the U.S. and Israel, and who has high-level contacts in both countries, CBN News asked Jeff Ballabon from the American Center for Law and Justice to give us his perspective on the Biden administration’s decision Thursday to demand an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and to further require that Israel devote … Read more

Hamas holding up ceasefire by refusing to release vulnerable hostages: US official

(Photo: Unsplash/CHUTTERSNAP) The terrorist group Hamas is holding up negotiations for a six-week ceasefire deal by refusing to release a certain number of vulnerable hostages, including the elderly and the wounded, a senior Biden administration official claims.  The individual identified as “senior official number two” relayed this information to reporters during a background press call last week … Read more

Ramadan Begins Without an Israel-Hamas Ceasefire, Amidst Fears of Violence

The Muslim fasting month of Ramadan began on Monday after a sighting of the crescent moon in Mecca on Sunday evening. However, it started without a ceasefire in place between Israel and Hamas. President Biden said he’s worried about violence in Jerusalem without a ceasefire as Israel braces for trouble in Jerusalem, in Judea and Samaria, known … Read more

Netanyahu Renews Israel Victory Pledge as Biden Calls for Ceasefire, Two-State Solution

JERUSALEM, Israel – The U.S. and Israel stand at a diplomatic and military crossroads. Israel says it needs to finish the war against Hamas in the key Gazan city of Rafah, yet the U.S. is threatening that Israel won’t be able to use American weapons if Israel launches its military campaign against the Hamas stronghold.  On … Read more

US Says Hamas Blocking Ceasefire Deal as Warnings Issued over Ramadan Violence, Hezbollah

JERUSALEM, Israel – Hamas appears to be the only party blocking a ceasefire deal in Gaza that could lead to the release of more hostages held by the terror group, and with the Muslim month of Ramadan fast approaching, many world leaders are worried about violence erupting in Jerusalem. As the war in Gaza goes on … Read more

Ceasefire Falls Apart, Israeli Students Return to School in War-Torn South

Amidst heightened tensions, Israel and several nations are air-dropping aid into Gaza to directly assist Gazan citizens, who the UN reports are on the verge of starvation. The IDF asserts that Hamas is confiscating much of the land-based aid, a situation that serves Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar’s propaganda objectives. Ceasefire talks in Cairo are stalled as … Read more

Court of Justice Stops Short of Genocide Label and Ceasefire Order for Israel, but Pro-Israel Critics Call Decision 'Absurdity'

JERUSALEM, Israel – The International Court of Justice stopped short of ordering a ceasefire and did not charge Israel with genocide in a ruling Friday on charges brought by South Africa in The Hague concerning Israel’s war with Hamas in Gaza, but supporters of Israel reacted with “utter dismay” at the decision and called it “an absurdity.” After … Read more