Hostages' Families of Nir Oz Won't Celebrate Passover Seder Without Their Loved Ones

KIBBUTZ NIR OZ, Israel –The Jewish people celebrate Passover each year with a seder meal, recalling the Israelites’ miraculous exodus from Egypt after Moses told Pharaoh: “Let my people go.” Ahead of the upcoming Passover holiday, the Hostages and Missing Families Forum, the main group that has been representing the hostages, organized an event at Kibbutz … Read more

Indian Christians celebrate Easter across the country with prayers, feasts and rejoicing

Christians gather for Dawn Service on Easter Sunday Morning. (Photo: CT India) Christians across India celebrated Easter, the most important festival commemorating the resurrection of Jesus Christ, with profound religious fervour on Sunday, March 31. The day marked the culmination of Holy Week, a period of prayers and penitence recalling the final phase of Christ’s … Read more

Jews, Christians Celebrate Purim, Palm Sunday as Israel Fights for Victory over Hamas

JERUSALEM, Israel – As Jews celebrated the holiday of Purim and Christians celebrated Palm Sunday, Israel and the U.S. continue to spar over whether or not Israel’s military will launch an operation into Rafah, the last stronghold in Gaza. The faceoff puts the Biden administration and the Netanyahu government on a collision course. Israel’s defense minister … Read more

Why do some Christians celebrate Christmas on 7 January?

(Photo: Unsplash/S&B Vonlanthen) Across most of the Orthodox world, many millions of people celebrate Christmas on 7 January. This is the story… Where Christmas is in December For most Christians from a Catholic and Protestant tradition, Christmas falls each year on 25 December, where it is a public holiday across much of the world. However, there … Read more

Kaipeng Tribal Christians celebrate Diamond Jubilee of Gospel with Joy and Devotion

(Photo: Courtesy of X) Representatives from nine denominations congregated for the Kaipeng Christian Diamond Jubilee, a two-day celebration held on December 27th and 28th at Dhanlekha Khua, Ampi Nagar RD block, Gomati, Tripura. Over 3,000 Kaipeng tribal Christians from all over Tripura as well as from other states particularly Mizoram, took part in the celebration … Read more

What is Advent and why do we celebrate it?

(Photo: Unsplash/Elena Mozhvilo) In churches across the land, Advent marks the coming of Christmas. This is the story … Origin of the word Advent The English word Advent is not in the Bible. However, the word is biblical in the sense that the word advent came into English from the Latin adventus, meaning arrival, which appears many times … Read more

As Israelis Celebrate Freed Female Soldier, Ground Forces Advance Toward Gaza City

JERUSALEM, Israel – The fifth hostage and the first Israeli soldier is free following her rescue inside Gaza. It’s one of the few reasons Israelis have had to celebrate since the massacre of October 7th. The joyous reunion between Private Ori Megidish and her grandmother was shown to the world on an X post.  Her neighbors came … Read more