Critics Charge Gaza Civilian Casualty Numbers Being Inflated by Those Who Should Know Better

JERUSALEM, Israel – Civilians caught in the crossfire during battle are often described as a consequence of war. While we have seen this during the war in Gaza between Israel and Hamas, some analysts say the reporting of civilian deaths in this conflict is being used as a propaganda tool. Tragically, too many Palestinians have died in … Read more

Blinken Urges Gaza Post-War Civilian Return, Israeli Leaders Take Aim at UN Refugee Agency

JERUSALEM, Israel – U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken wrapped up his latest trip to Israel Wednesday, urging that Palestinian civilians be allowed to return to northern Gaza as soon as conditions are right, and not be pressured to leave the Gaza Strip. Blinken met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, President Isaac Herzog, other members … Read more

Hamas preventing civilian evacuation from Gaza, shooting at people trying to flee: IDF audio

(Photo: Unsplash/CHUTTERSNAP) Israel Defense Forces released audio of a Gazan man telling an officer that Hamas is blocking civilians from fleeing the northern Gaza strip and that the terrorist group is shooting at people attempting to heed Israel’s warnings to evacuate.  The IDF has repeatedly urged civilians to move to the south of the Gaza … Read more

From Civilian Life to War: Hundreds of Thousands of Israeli Reservists Answer Call to Fight

Israel’s response to the Hamas terrorist attacks has resulted in the largest military call-up in the country’s history. With more than 360,000 reservists mobilized, it amounts to four percent of Israel’s population Reservists have shown no hesitation, whether at home or abroad. Within the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), it’s known as “the shift,” going from … Read more