Israel Kills Hamas Commander, Fights Rafah Terrorists Despite Global Court Ruling, Rocket Barrages

JERUSALEM, Israel – The Israeli military continues to fight on multiple fronts against Hamas in Gaza and Hezbollah in Lebanon. The fighting goes on despite last week’s ruling by the International Court of Justice that ordered the sovereign state of Israel to desist.  For the first time in four months, Hamas fired rockets Sunday into Tel Aviv and other … Read more

Jews, Christians Celebrate Purim, Palm Sunday as Israel Fights for Victory over Hamas

JERUSALEM, Israel – As Jews celebrated the holiday of Purim and Christians celebrated Palm Sunday, Israel and the U.S. continue to spar over whether or not Israel’s military will launch an operation into Rafah, the last stronghold in Gaza. The faceoff puts the Biden administration and the Netanyahu government on a collision course. Israel’s defense minister … Read more

Democrats Push for Palestinian State as Israel Fights War for Survival with Threats on 3 Sides

U.S. Senate Democrats are pushing to create a Palestinian state, attempting to attach their measure to an aid package for Israel. The move comes as Israel battles brutal Hamas war criminals in Gaza and faces regular missile attacks from the Hezbollah terrorist army in Lebanon as well as Houthi terrorist threats from Yemen. ANOTHER LOOMING WAR? Hezbollah, … Read more