US Warns Hezbollah but Pushes for Diplomatic Solution; Ultra-Orthodox Draft Order Threatens Netanyahu Gov't

JERUSALEM, Israel – Israel is facing rising pressures from outside and within today. As the Jewish state is simply looking to protect its people from daily rocket attacks, the U.S. is pushing for a diplomatic solution to the fighting between Lebanon-based Hezbollah and Israel before it turns into a full-blown war. Meanwhile,  Israel’s Supreme Court ruling … Read more

Can Hamas Even Be Defeated? Israel Denies Internal Rift as Hezbollah War Looms Larger

JERUSALEM, Israel – Some are saying there’s a rift in Israel’s government between political and military leaders, but both are denying it, claiming Israel will indeed finish Hamas in Gaza. The controversy comes as the Netanyahu coalition prepares for a wider war in the north with the Iranian-backed Hezbollah. In an interview with Israel’s Channel 13 on Thursday, Israel … Read more

Hezbollah Leader Vows War 'Without Rules' if Israel Launches Offensive, Israelis Claim End to US Weapons Spat

JERUSALEM, Israel – If Israel gets into a major war with Hezbollah, the terrorist group, is threatening to fight without rules and without a ceiling. That serious threat comes as a spat between the Biden administration and Israel over the U.S. withholding weapons may be over. Diplomatic efforts by an American envoy sent to head off an all-out … Read more

War Focus Shifting from Gaza to Northern Israel as Hezbollah Barrages Accelerate, Israel Strikes Enemy Commanders

JERUSALEM, Israel – Israel’s battlefront seems to be shifting to focus on Hezbollah in the north, as fighting continues in the Gaza Strip.  As the battles heat up, Iran’s new acting foreign minister warned Israel not to launch a war, saying, “Ramifications could backfire against Zionists as a result of that conflict.” Iraqi Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein … Read more

Hezbollah Launches Record Missile Volley at Israel After Commander's Killing, Hamas Kills Ceasefire Plan

JERUSALEM, Israel – Northern Israel came under its worst Hezbollah attack since the start of the Gaza war Wednesday as Hamas made outlandish counter-proposals to the latest ceasefire deal proposed by the U.S., in effect rejecting it. While Israelis celebrated the biblical holiday of Shavuot, Hezbollah launched more than 200 rockets at communities in northern Israel – … Read more

Beyond Gaza: Israel's Ongoing Battles with Hezbollah up North Headed Toward Full-Blown War

ISRAEL-LEBANON BORDER – The fighting on Israel’s northern border is intensifying with an average of 10 terrorist attacks a day in May. Yesterday, a Hezbollah drone injured 11 people and killed one IDF soldier in the Galilee. Most Israeli citizens have evacuated communities near Israel’s border with Lebanon. The Hezbollah terrorist organization has employed various … Read more

EXCLUSIVE: Lebanese Christians Inside Hezbollah Territory Say They Want No War with Israel

Klayaa, South Lebanon – Israel and Hezbollah terrorists are teetering on the brink of full-scale war. The border area between Israel and Lebanon sees almost daily rocket attacks and air strikes.   While much of northern Israel is evacuated, Christians in south Lebanon brace for an unwanted conflict and worry about their future in the … Read more

Picturesque Metula, Israel's Northernmost Community, at the Forefront of Hezbollah Attacks from Lebanon

METULA, Israel’s northern border – With Israel’s war against Hamas in its sixth month, fighting against the Iranian-backed Hezbollah in Lebanon continues to develop. In the border town of Metula, life is becoming increasingly untenable for the few who remain there. Metula is Israel’s northernmost town, sitting only about 50 feet from the border with Lebanon. Since … Read more

Christian Farmer Narrowly Cheats Death as Hezbollah Treats Him Like a Human Shield

SOUTH LEBANON – Hamas is not the only terror group that uses human shields. Hezbollah is using similar tactics in its attacks on northern Israel. Evidence shows weapons have been hidden in densely populated areas, hoping Israel would hit those locations. In this exclusive report, CBN News reveals how the terrorist group uses Christian farms in … Read more

US Says Hamas Blocking Ceasefire Deal as Warnings Issued over Ramadan Violence, Hezbollah

JERUSALEM, Israel – Hamas appears to be the only party blocking a ceasefire deal in Gaza that could lead to the release of more hostages held by the terror group, and with the Muslim month of Ramadan fast approaching, many world leaders are worried about violence erupting in Jerusalem. As the war in Gaza goes on … Read more