Christian mother of 5 released on bail after 19 months in Nigerian prison

Rhoda Jatau pictured with her family before her imprisonment for a WhatsApp message. (Photo: ADF International) After being imprisoned for over 500 days in Nigeria, a Christian mother of five has been released on bail and awaits a trial that could land her up to five more years behind bars if she is found guilty … Read more

IDF confirms Christian mother, daughter killed at church in Gaza

(Photo: Mohammed Ibrahim/Unsplash) The Israeli Defense Forces have confirmed that their soldiers shot and killed two Christian women on the grounds of Gaza City’s only Catholic church. An IDF spokesperson acknowledged the civilian casualties to the media, following revelations of the incident by the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, Pierbattista Pizzaballa. The IDF spokesperson, in a … Read more

Israeli-American mother recalls last phone call with her son before Hamas took him hostage

Doris Liber, the mother of Hamas hostage Guy Iluz, tears up as she speaks with The Christian Post in Washington, D.C. on Nov. 8, 2023. (Photo: The Christian Post/Nicole Alcindor) An Israeli-American mother remembers hearing the sound of gunshots during her last phone call with her son, who called to say his last words before … Read more