Israel Kills Hamas Commander, Fights Rafah Terrorists Despite Global Court Ruling, Rocket Barrages

JERUSALEM, Israel – The Israeli military continues to fight on multiple fronts against Hamas in Gaza and Hezbollah in Lebanon. The fighting goes on despite last week’s ruling by the International Court of Justice that ordered the sovereign state of Israel to desist.  For the first time in four months, Hamas fired rockets Sunday into Tel Aviv and other … Read more

Israel Pursues 'Critical' Rafah Battle, Defends against Legal Attack as Gaza Aid Pier Nears Completion

JERUSALEM, Israel – From the battleground in Gaza to the legal battles at The Hague, Israel is fighting on multiple fronts. Still, Israel is finding allies on Capitol Hill and among Christian leaders.    Despite international condemnation, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told soldiers that Israel’s operation into Rafah – the last major stronghold of Hamas … Read more

Biden's Ultimatum: US Threatens to Withhold Arms if Israel Mounts Full-Scale Rafah Attack

President Joe Biden says Israel must choose between advancing its battle against the last Hamas stronghold in Rafah and receiving weapons from the U.S. In an interview with CNN, President Biden said he wouldn’t supply weapons to Israel if it goes into Rafah.  “We’re going to continue to make sure Israel is secure in terms … Read more

IDF Captures Strategic Rafah Border Crossing Between Egypt and the Southern Gaza Strip

After months of waiting, Israeli forces have begun their operation into Rafah, the last major Hamas stronghold in the Gaza Strip. The operation started after negotiations between Hamas and Israel broke down. On Tuesday morning, Israeli forces captured the strategic Rafah border crossing between Egypt and the southern Gaza Strip. The Israeli flag was raised … Read more

Hamas Accepts Deal Last-Minute with Israel Poised for Rafah Incursion

JERUSALEM, Israel – After months of negotiations, it appears Hamas might finally be willing to accept a hostage-release deal in exchange for a ceasefire. The announcement comes at the last minute as Israel was preparing to finally launch a Rafah incursion to wipe out the Hamas terrorist forces taking refuge there. The announcement was announced as Israelis were marking … Read more

Israeli Military Poised to Enter Rafah, Hamas Keeps Dragging Out Hostage Talks

Israel’s military is poised to enter into Rafah, the last major stronghold of Hamas in Gaza, without a deal for the release of the hostages. But Hamas still wants to continue negotiations to end the war.      Israeli troops and tanks continue to gather near Rafah for the expected military operation.  Rafah is where many believe the leaders … Read more

Netanyahu, Israeli Officials Endure 7th Blinken Visit Since Oct. 7 as Rafah Operation Awaits

JERUSALEM, Israel – U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken met with Israeli leaders Wednesday. It’s his seventh visit since the start of the war in Gaza, and this time he’s on a mission to stop Israel’s next military operation.  Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu welcomed Blinken despite strong disagreements about the need for the Rafah incursion. … Read more

Israel at Crossroads Between Rafah Incursion, Hostage Deal as Blinken Visits

JERUSALEM, Israel – The next 72 hours will be crucial to see which direction Israel goes in its war with Hamas. Either Hamas will agree to an extended ceasefire and a release of hostages or Israel is poised to begin its invasion of Rafah, the last terrorist stronghold of Gaza. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken arrived … Read more

IDF Preps Sanctuary Tents for Gaza Civilians Before Rafah Battle, Feucht Leads Israel Rally in NYC

JERUSALEM, Israel – The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) says it’s preparing to move into Rafah, the last major Hamas military stronghold in Gaza. While the Biden administration disapproves of the move, Israel is setting up thousands of tents to provide a sanctuary to keep civilians out of harm’s way. The operation also aims to rescue the … Read more

At Six-Month War Mark, Israel Pulls IDF Division from Gaza after US Pressure; Netanyahu Still Plans Rafah Invasion

JERUSALEM, Israel – Israel announced Sunday it has pulled a key division out of the southern Gaza Strip. It’s a major shift in the war, as Israelis commemorate six months after the October 7th massacre and kidnappings. Israel’s Defense Minister Yoav Gallant says the pullout is a sign of the beating Hamas has taken at this … Read more