US Warns Hezbollah but Pushes for Diplomatic Solution; Ultra-Orthodox Draft Order Threatens Netanyahu Gov't

JERUSALEM, Israel – Israel is facing rising pressures from outside and within today. As the Jewish state is simply looking to protect its people from daily rocket attacks, the U.S. is pushing for a diplomatic solution to the fighting between Lebanon-based Hezbollah and Israel before it turns into a full-blown war. Meanwhile,  Israel’s Supreme Court ruling … Read more

Biden's Ultimatum: US Threatens to Withhold Arms if Israel Mounts Full-Scale Rafah Attack

President Joe Biden says Israel must choose between advancing its battle against the last Hamas stronghold in Rafah and receiving weapons from the U.S. In an interview with CNN, President Biden said he wouldn’t supply weapons to Israel if it goes into Rafah.  “We’re going to continue to make sure Israel is secure in terms … Read more

ICC Threatens to Charge Israel With War Crimes as It Battles Hamas Terrorists in Gaza

The International Criminal Court’s chief prosecutor Karim Khan has warned that he’s considering war crimes charges over Israel’s conduct of the war and blockade of supplies into Gaza.  Khan warned, “Israel has clear obligations in relation to its war with Hamas, not just moral obligations but legal obligations to comply with the laws of conflict.” … Read more

Humanitarian tragedy looms as Pakistan threatens to expel Afghan refugees

(Photo: Pixabay) Christian Aid is warning of a fresh humanitarian tragedy as Pakistan threatens to expel 1.4 million “undocumented” Afghan nationals by 1 November. The development agency said that women, human rights defenders and anyone who worked for Western countries before the Taliban takeover are at risk of reprisals. Christian Aid’s Head of Asia Region, … Read more