Israeli Leaders Could Face War Crimes Charges as White House Pushes Hostage-Ceasefire Deal

President Biden has again told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu the White House opposes Israel’s planned invasion of the Gazan city of Rafah.  Meanwhile, Secretary of State Antony Blinken is in Saudi Arabia for the first leg of a Mideast tour to lobby for a ceasefire in exchange for the release of hostages in Gaza. … Read more

US watchdog voices concern as over 150 churches attacked since Sudan war began

(Photo: Unsplash/Abdulaziz Mohammed) Since the war in Sudan began last April, over 150 churches have been damaged or destroyed, according to a report by the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom. The conflict between the Sudanese Armed Forces and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces has claimed thousands of lives and devastated religious communities, with … Read more

Hamas War Takes Another Casualty – Israeli Tourism: 'It's Time to Forgive Each Other'

JERUSALEM – In addition to the heartbreaking toll in human lives and families torn apart, the ongoing war in Gaza is crippling Israel’s once-thriving tourism industry. Many local businesses are struggling to weather this strained economy. The streets of Jerusalem’s old city would normally be bustling with tourists, but now lie eerily quiet. The number … Read more

Israel's War Cabinet Weighs Counter-Strike for Iran Missile Attack as White House Pushes Diplomacy

JERUSALEM, Israel – Following the biggest drone and missile attack in history, Israel is deciding how to respond to Iran’s strike that launched more than 300 projectiles over the weekend.  The question is whether Israel will counter-attack, or whether allies, especially the U.S., will succeed in restraining Israel’s military response. Firing drones, ballistic missiles, and cruise … Read more

Wars and Rumors of War: Lebanese Christian Leader Murdered in Political Assassination

JERUSALEM and south LEBANON – Christian-Muslim tensions in Lebanon have erupted after the murder of well-known Christian politician Pascal Sleiman. Given his fierce opposition to Hezbollah, Lebanese Christians are worried for their safety as the terror group’s intimidation grows.   A Syrian gang is believed to have kidnapped and murdered Sleiman, a strong believer and … Read more

'We Are Facing a Terrorist Army': Israel on Cusp of War with a Far More Sophisticated Foe Than Hamas

KIRYAT SHMONA, northern Israel – Following Israel’s partial pullout from south Gaza, more attention is being turned to the northern border threat from Hezbollah. In the latest development, the Israeli military is announcing a move from defense to attack mode. Israeli residents still in the region are growing more anxious, especially with reports of Hezbollah … Read more

At Six-Month War Mark, Israel Pulls IDF Division from Gaza after US Pressure; Netanyahu Still Plans Rafah Invasion

JERUSALEM, Israel – Israel announced Sunday it has pulled a key division out of the southern Gaza Strip. It’s a major shift in the war, as Israelis commemorate six months after the October 7th massacre and kidnappings. Israel’s Defense Minister Yoav Gallant says the pullout is a sign of the beating Hamas has taken at this … Read more

EXCLUSIVE: Lebanese Christians Inside Hezbollah Territory Say They Want No War with Israel

Klayaa, South Lebanon – Israel and Hezbollah terrorists are teetering on the brink of full-scale war. The border area between Israel and Lebanon sees almost daily rocket attacks and air strikes.   While much of northern Israel is evacuated, Christians in south Lebanon brace for an unwanted conflict and worry about their future in the … Read more

As Spring Holidays Approach, Christians, Jews Face Challenges of Easter, Passover Celebrations During Time of War

JERUSALEM, Israel – For Christians during this Holy Week, and later for Jews in Israel at Passover, the holiday season poses a challenge in celebrating the faith during wartime. Events such as last October’s massacre near Gaza and the refusal to release the Israeli hostages can cause doubt about a loving God. Yet, some insist that … Read more

Israeli Reserve Colonel: 'There's Gonna Be War in the North'

KIRYAT SHMONA, northern Israel – While the U.S. and Israel negotiate an end to the war in Gaza, missiles are still flying on the northern border with Hezbollah. Many in this part of the world believe a larger war there is just a matter of time. Recently, a Hezbollah rocket hit the building where Valentina and … Read more