Iran's attack on Israel did not deter Christians from visiting holy sites

(Photo: Unsplash/Christian Burri) Christian pilgrims and tourists continued to visit Holy sites this weekend despite the Iranian regime’s aerial assault against Israel, an attack that has heightened fears about existing regional tensions.  Over the weekend, Iran launched around 300 missiles and drones, including ballistic missiles and cruise missiles. According to the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, the attack was … Read more

Experience Holy Week in the Holy Land: These Are the Sites Where Jesus Walked During His Final Week

JERUSALEM, Israel – Most Christians know the Easter story well from what the gospels tell us about that earth-shattering week: Jesus came to Jerusalem, ate the Passover Seder with his disciples, was arrested and sentenced to death, crucified on a cross, then was resurrected from a garden tomb. In late 2022, my wife Susan and I … Read more

Israel Supporters from 20+ Global Parliaments Visit Oct. 7 Massacre Sites, Slam UN's 'Terrible Deceit'

KFAR AZA, Israel – In a powerful demonstration of international solidarity, members of parliaments from more than twenty nations recently convened in the heart of Kfar Aza to witness firsthand the devastation wrought by the Hamas attack on October 7th. Organized by Josh Reinstein, President of the Israel Allies Foundation (IAF), this visit marked the largest gathering of … Read more

Pompeo, Wife Visit Massacre Sites; Deeply Moved by Israeli Suffering, Resilience

JERUSALEM, Israel – Israel must do what it needs to do to finish Hamas and bring its hostages  home; and the American people will back them up, according to Former U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. He’s been on a solidarity trip to Israel this week to visit places devastated by Hamas on October 7th. Pompeo … Read more

Foreign Ambassadors Encounter Attack Sirens on Tour of Hamas Terror Sites Near Gaza

JERUSALEM, Israel – Former Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations and current Knesset member Danny Danon brought several ambassadors Sunday to the border town of Sderot on a fact-finding tour. At an early point on the tour, Danon cautioned the group, telling them about a safe place for shelter. “In case we have a siren, if you … Read more

Church leaders call for end to attacks on Christian sites in Holy Land

Dormition Abbey in Jerusalem. (Photo: Unsplash/Christian Burri) Attacks and harassment by extremists are posing “grave threats” to the Christian presence in Jerusalem and the Holy Land, Church leaders have said.  The concerns are raised in a report sent to the World Council of Churches (WCC) by The Justice and Peace Commission of the Council of Heads … Read more